What Did We Read in 2021?

Green Builder editors gathered the best-read blogs we published in 2021. This collection paints a picture of an audience focused on electrification, working from home, indoor air quality, and the next generation of home buyers and construction industry pros.

The most-read Green Builder Media article this year is not surprising. Published at the end of January, “Home Office Reimagined” addresses one of the most important issues facing Americans: how to work from home safely, sanely, and without muddying the waters between professional life and personal privacy and downtime.

CEO Sara Gutterman wrote this particular article just as a frenzied home-buying spree came to life, then gained speed, venom, and pathos all the way through 2021. This seller’s market phenomenon has only just abated (a bit) due to the end-of-year holidays as well as people planning to list their homes during the “spring selling season,” which, of course, will start first thing January 2. 

Many buyers desperate for homes were motivated to secure a safe place that offered enough room so that working from home would not intrude on their personal lives. As Gutterman’s blog notes, data backs this up: More than 75 percent of people have dedicated office space in their homes now (versus 10-15 percent pre-COVID). 

Below is a list of the other blogs that garnered high click rates and long read times this year. In addition to these (which primarily focus on the pro side of Green Builder’s universe), our new millennial outreach campaign got lots of eyeballs and lengthy reads as well. Top-read blogs included how furniture and pets can peacefully coexist, how to decide whether to rent or buy a home and answers to common home-buying questions.  

Enjoy these popular reads!

We plan to cover these important topics—plus many more issues that impact the building industry and the planet—throughout 2022, so stay tuned and have a Very Happy New Year!