Read the ICC’s response to the U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce, which includes an MOU that may give builders disproportionate control over code development.
The IECC is an important element of national energy policy and a major tool in the nation’s efforts to address climate change. These building codes are incorporated into the laws or regulations of many state and local governments as well as into many federal policies. Because of this, Congress wants to make sure the code process addresses everyone. In the letter, the committee wrote:
Recently, ICC announced that it is considering changing the process for developing the IECC in ways that could further increase NAHB’s influence. Among the changes being considered is replacing the current government consensus process for developing energy codes with the ICC process for developing energy standards. This has raised concerns among stakeholders that state and local officials could be effectively eliminated from providing meaningful input on future revisions to energy building codes.
The U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce asked the ICC for a response to its questions about the process in January. Read ICC’s full response here, which includes the secretive MOU that has raised alarm with proponents of energy-efficient building practices.
Cati O’Keefe is the editorial director of Green Builder Media. She has 25 years of experience reporting and writing on all aspects of residential housing, building and energy codes, green building, and sustainability.
ICC’s Response to Congress, Including Secretive NAHB MOU
Read the ICC’s response to the U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce, which includes an MOU that may give builders disproportionate control over code development.
The IECC is an important element of national energy policy and a major tool in the nation’s efforts to address climate change. These building codes are incorporated into the laws or regulations of many state and local governments as well as into many federal policies. Because of this, Congress wants to make sure the code process addresses everyone. In the letter, the committee wrote:
Recently, ICC announced that it is considering changing the process for developing the IECC in ways that could further increase NAHB’s influence. Among the changes being considered is replacing the current government consensus process for developing energy codes with the ICC process for developing energy standards. This has raised concerns among stakeholders that state and local officials could be effectively eliminated from providing meaningful input on future revisions to energy building codes.
The U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce asked the ICC for a response to its questions about the process in January. Read ICC’s full response here, which includes the secretive MOU that has raised alarm with proponents of energy-efficient building practices.
For more information, read our original post on the topic or watch a panel of experts break down the situation, led by EECC’s Bill Fay.
By Cati O'Keefe
Cati O’Keefe is the editorial director of Green Builder Media. She has 25 years of experience reporting and writing on all aspects of residential housing, building and energy codes, green building, and sustainability.Also Read