Free Webinar: Make Money with a Zero Carbon Home!


Get practical advice on how to save money and cut your carbon footprint while realizing a 15 percent ROI with key high-performance building products. (Plus, get the book it’s based on for free!)

Don’t miss David Green's recorded webinar based on information from his highly acclaimed book Zero Carbon Home and brought to you by Green Builder Media.


Green webinar featured imageInterested in understanding the specific steps you can take to dramatically reduce the long-term cost and environmental impact of homeownership? In this webinar, business executive, physicist, and author David Green will explore how to cut a home’s carbon footprint and heating and electricity bills to zero while realizing up to a 15 percent return on investment with heat pumps, insulation, triple-glazed windows, and solar panels.

Green will share a comprehensive financial analysis that reveals the investments that make sense from both an economic and sustainability standpoint, and others that just don’t pencil out.

“I am an energy geek, with a degree in physics from Oxford University, and a finance nerd with an MBA from Harvard Business School, Green says. “My financial analysis ensured that we only did things that made financial sense and energy sense. I found that geothermal, solar hot-water panels, and adding insulation to your walls made energy sense but made no financial sense. Put less politely, they were a waste of money.”

Green’s book has gotten great reviews, including from Paul Hawken, American environmentalist: "Your book is terrific."

Reviews of this webinar have included: 

  • “Minute-for-minute, point-for-point, one of the best webinars I have ever attended. Thank you!”
  • “This really was exceptional, David. Many thanks!” 
  • “Wonderful and helpful presentation. Knowledgeable and practical presenter.”


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