Mike Collignon

Mike Collignon, author of our Code Watch and Housing 2.0 Program Manager, is Executive Director and Co-Founder of the Green Builder Coalition, a not-for-profit association dedicated to amplifying the voice of green builders and professionals to drive advocacy and education for more sustainable homebuilding practices.

The Value of Your Time

The Value of Your Time

The latest Housing 2.0 webinar recording is available and is a good use of an hour of your time....
Where Do We Go From Here?

Where Do We Go From Here?

The ICC has allowed the IECC development process to be manipulated by one of its strategic...
To Ban or Not to Ban

To Ban or Not to Ban

Whether a jurisdiction has started talking about a natural gas ban or not, if they’re striving...
Making It Theirs

Making It Theirs

Housing 2.0 participants have quickly grasped the hands-on information aspect of the program and...