Webinar: The Grace Period is Over: Zero at No Cost by 2030

Join Sam Rashkin and Sara Gutterman as they analyze the steps needed for the housing industry to reach net zero by 2030.

Watch this recorded webinar and learn how sustainable design implementation, construction best practices, and reliable green energy will help net zero energy goal. 

GBM Housing 2 logo squareThe auto industry is on a clear path to providing all-electric, net-zero energy transportation solutions by 2030. The adoption of electric vehicles is mushrooming, and the buildout of a nationwide infrastructure of charging stations is well underway.

Unfortunately, the housing sector is lagging behind. Incremental policies and incentives, including funding from the Inflation Reduction Act and 45L tax credit, are important, but will not get the job done, as they are too slow, incomplete, and vulnerable to shifting political winds.

Sam Rashkin, former Chief Architect at the Department of Energy, founder of Housing 2.0 and author of Housing 2.0: A Disruption Survival Guide, will explain how zero energy ready can be accomplished with one simple federal government policy change at no cost to the treasury while yielding massive economic, environmental, job growth and health benefits to the nation.

Also, Green Builder Media CEO Sara Gutterman will offer COGNITION Smart Data market intelligence about net zero energy, water, and carbon trends, including consumer demand, preferences, and purchase patterns.