Spray-on Product Offers Last Line of Defense Against Wildfires

This company's Pro Defense non-toxic compound can be applied to both organic and inorganic materials to greatly inhibit flammability and flame spread.

You know that tired proverb about ounce of prevention equating to a pound of cure? Well, unfortunately, it's advice that human beings seen incapable or unwilling to heed, when it comes to the worsening impacts of Climate Change.


So here we are. The West is burning. Wildfires, in fact have become such an existential threat that many people in hard-hit California are simply throwing in the towel, and moving east. Call it reverse migration.

For those who choose to stay, however, adding fire resistance to their homes ranks high on the priority list. Along with creating a fire-safe perimeter around the home, and, if possible, installing fire-resistant materials such as metal roofs, fiber-cement or Cultured Stone siding, this product offers a way to add another level of resistance to existing materials and landscaping. I encourage you to watch the whole video, which includes examples of GreenFire Pro Defense being used side-by-side with untreated material in testing.

To find a GreenFire dealer, visit their website.

Ben Allen, CEO of GreenFire, explores new fire protection solutions that are non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and cost-effective, which don’t result in water damage in this recorded webinar below.