“Better for Less” is Better for Business … Who Knew?

Virtual or live–Housing 2.0 has the education you need to forge a better building program. 

Sam 2-8-22-square2021 was an exciting year for the Housing 2.0 program. This includes publishing the ground-breaking book, “Housing 2.0 – A Disruption Survival Guide,” providing four workshops based on the book, and holding two action groups with small groups of builders putting design optimization best practices to the test. 

This brings up a few questions as we move forward with year two of the program:

  • Why is the book ground-breaking?
  • What were the results from the 2021 workshops?
  • What were the results from the 2021 action groups?

Why Is the Housing 2.0 Book Ground Breaking

The book is ground-breaking because it is the only comprehensive reference on optimizing the housing user experience (UX). It includes detailed guidance, research, analysis, and tabulations documenting over 150 UX best practices and how they deliver a better home for lower cost. 

And “better for less” is profoundly better for business. We know from extensive research data showing UX leaders compared to laggards in other industries consistently deliver 3 times greater profit to investors and are 3 times more resilient in downturns including shallower troughs and quicker recoveries. 

Compelling housing UX leader case studies achieving outstanding business results are included in the book and show housing is no exception.

Lessons Learned from Housing 2.0 Workshops 

We learned a lot from the 2021 workshops. First, feedback consistently cited outstanding value for the content. But we were confident that would be the case with substantial improvements from the predecessor workshops under the name, “Retooling the U.S. Housing Industry,” which consistently scored 4.7 out of 5 for content. 

We also observed that in-person workshops, where feasible, could offer opportunities for dynamic exchanges and networking. As a result, the program is holding two in-person events in 2022 including a pre-conference workshop at the EEBA High Performance Home Summit in Scottsdale, Ariz., on September 19 and a full-day session at the PCBC Conference in San Francisco on June 23. 

We also observed our generous sponsors would like to allocate workshop scholarships to qualified builders, architects, and HERS raters. Please enquire directly at the Green Builder Media Housing 2.0 website.

Results Are In: Builders Saved Thousands

2021 provided a special opportunity to put the Housing 2.0 claim of “better homes for low cost” to the test with action groups focused on design optimization. The results exceeded our expectations with an impressive group of participating high-performance builders consistently achieving $10,000s of cost savings and added value optimizing specific project designs. 

In addition, the process resulted in a collegial, enthusiastic collaboration among attendees who worked hard to make each other better and, in the process, embedded skills learned in the workshop. Detailed project results are available by viewing our recent webinar.

I know housing industry professionals are overwhelmed trying to manage incredibly turbulent times including persistent supply chain issues, global pandemic constraints, inflation, rising interest rates, and an increasingly fragile economy. However, all of these challenges are better served by delivering better homes for lower cost. 

There is no better time to “sharpen the saw” per Stephen Covey’s famous best practice for life and business. We invite all housing industry professionals to get started by joining the Housing 2.0 program in 2022.

Want to learn more about the program details? Click here for a Housing 2.0 overview

Housing 2.0 content is sponsored by: Mitsubishi Electric Westlake Royal Building Products  and Schneider Electric