Where You Live Matters to Your Health

In this webinar, two renowned health experts will explain how the location of a home can impact disease, illness, and wellness—and how to make it better.

Join us May 12 at 2:00 pm for a new timely webinar, “Environmental Impacts on a Healthy Home: How Location Affects Disease, Illness, and Wellness,” with experts Eric Klos and Rick Bayless.


This webinar will explore how weather and environmental conditions impact vulnerable populations and affect the built environment at home and at work, and ways to ensure our homes help people live healthier every day.

Learn about the conditions—outdoors and indoors—that may contribute to allergies, asthma, flu, and COVID. Plus, hear about a variety of near-term and longer-term steps that can be taken to create a healthier home throughout the year.

“In a changing climate, outdoor environmental conditions are having an increasing impact on the health and well-being of all, while threatening vulnerable populations,” says Klos, founder and CEO of DailyBreath. “Tracking symptoms in relation to these conditions is important if people are going to be weather informed, location aware, and health prepared.”

According to Bayless, founder and owner of A Healthier Home, climate change is presenting challenges to the integrity and performance of the house you live in. “It wasn't designed to deal with all this,” he emphasizes. “As a challenged house goes sick, indoor environmental conditions decline. This also affects the health and well-being of those in the house, especially vulnerable individuals. The house needs its owner to know what to do to keep it healthy."

This webinar will teach you what house conditions homeowners should track to save indoor environmental conditions from declining so the house can best support robust health and wellness.

Click here to reserve your spot!

About the Presenters

Eric Klos-webEric Klos is the founder and CEO of DailyBreath, a cloud-based SAAS company delivering personalized environmental insights for better asthma outcomes. He is the innovator of DailyBreath, a mobile app that helps those with asthma pinpoint their triggers.

Rick Bayless-webRick Bayless, founder and owner of A Healthier Home, is board-certified as an indoor environmental consultant by the Indoor Air Quality Association and a Healthy Homes Specialist by the National Environmental Health Association. Rick offers expert, unbiased evaluations and services regarding a home’s environmental and wellness status.

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