Cost-Effective Solutions for Residential Electrification

In this webinar, building science consultant Steve Easley explores how to create energy efficient, low-emissions, all-electric homes that meet our electrification challenges.

The biggest challenge to the full-scale electrification of homes in the U.S. is outdated infrastructure and inadequate electrical grid capacity. There simply isn’t enough localized grid storage or grid capacity for homes to have electric heat, water heating, cooking and vehicle charging. If electrification is going to happen in a timely manner, it will have to occur on the customer side of the meter. 

Steve Easley, building science consultant, offers real-world examples and case studies that highlight cost effective, practical solutions for home electrification that can be implemented today, such as inverter-driven heat pumps for cold and warm climates, heat pump water heating, induction cooking and heat pump clothes dryers.  Easley will also identify the top design and installation mistakes that lead to poor performance, customer dissatisfaction, and call backs.

About Our Presenter

Steve Easley is an internationally recognized construction consultant specializing in solving building science related problems and helping builders reduce costly call backs. He provides seminars nationally, educating building industry professionals and their trade partners. His work focuses on increasing quality of construction, sustainability, performance, and reducing costly mistakes that lead to construction defects and call backs.

Steve’s mission is helping industry professionals build & remodel structures that are durable, energy efficient, healthy and comfortable to live and work in. He has more than 25 years of industry experience, performing thousands of jobsite quality surveys throughout the US. He has presented building science seminars, webinars and videos around the world with an annual audience of 8-10,000 industry professionals.

Steve is a frequently requested speaker because of his practical approach to building science and using real-world examples to show what works and what doesn’t. He is known for his dynamic speaking style and his unique ability to explain complex concepts in simple terms that can be easily integrated into practice.

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