Tackling Emissions with Carbon Offsets: Watch the Webinar Replay!

Tackling Emissions with Carbon Offsets: Watch the Webinar Replay!

The recording of the ‘Reduce, Offset, Repeat: The Path to Carbon Neutrality’ webinar is now available! Read on for a detailed recap below.

As 2030 approaches, companies are intensifying their sustainability efforts to meet ambitious environmental targets, with carbon emissions reduction taking center stage. Yet, what about the emissions that seem impossible to eliminate? 

This was the focus of our ‘Reduce, Offset, Repeat: The Path to Carbon Neutrality’ webinar, featuring Green Builder Media CEO Sara Gutterman and CNaught CEO Mark Chen, who explored strategies to tackle these stubborn emissions and move closer to carbon neutrality.


The case for decarbonization is clear–environmentally, socially, and financially. With global temperatures already exceeding 1.5 degrees Celsius and on track to reach 2 degrees, the urgency is undeniable. 

A staggering 56% of younger Americans believe humanity is doomed in the face of the climate crisis. But the pressure isn’t just coming from the environment—investors, lenders, supply chain partners, and municipalities are now demanding that companies take decisive action to decarbonize.

Gutterman opened the event by highlighting the importance of addressing carbon emissions early on. For the built environment, this means adhering to green building principles, incorporating climate-responsive design, and using low-embodied carbon construction materials. Reducing emissions from the outset is critical to staying on track for achieving 2030 decarbonization targets.

Once all avenues for reducing carbon emissions have been explored, companies and individuals alike can turn to carbon offsets. This provides a way to take immediate action while technology and infrastructure catch up to net-zero goals, offering hope amidst the growing concerns about the climate crisis.

Chen explained that carbon offsets are projects designed to remove carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gasses from the atmosphere to balance out emissions from operations and daily activities. One carbon offset represents the removal of one tonne of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. 

Audience members learned that not all carbon offset projects are created equal. High-quality offsets adhere to the following criteria:

  • Address additionality (ensure that carbon reductions from the project are greater than if the project never occurred).
  • Provide robust and timely data, reporting and analytics on mitigation activities.
  • Eliminate double accounting.
  • Ensure permanence of carbon removal.
  • Deliver on program governance to enhance transparency and accountability.
  • Create an accurate and comprehensive project registry.
  • Present third party validation.
  • Include understandable quantification.
  • Streamline project selection criteria to enable direct comparison.
  • Offer well defined pricing, benefits, and results.

As you can imagine, finding a high-quality carbon offset can be challenging and time-consuming—but it doesn’t have to be. That’s why Green Builder Media teamed up with CNaught to provide building professionals with three curated carbon offset portfolios to make the process easier.


Chen walked the audience through real-life examples of projects they could invest in. Our portfolios include:

IMPACT–Balanced portfolio comprised of projects in avoided emissions, conservation, and reforestation. This is the best choice for most companies balancing climate impact and cost.

  • Portfolio composition:
    • 55% Emissions reductions
    • 35% Conservation
    • 10% Afforestation/Reforestation
  • Cost: $20 per ton

IMPACT LITE–Lower cost portfolio comprised of projects in avoided emissions and conservation. Meets Net Zero requirements at a lower cost. This is a good option for companies with budget constraints.

  • Portfolio composition:
    • 60% Emissions reductions
    • 40% Conservation
  • Cost: $10 per ton

REMOVALS ONLY–By focusing on carbon removal projects, this portfolio maximizes climate benefits. This is the best choice for companies working toward SBTI-aligned goals.

  • Portfolio composition
    • 100% Afforestation/Reforestation
  • Cost: $45 per ton

Regardless of the portfolio chosen, buyers can rest assured that they are investing in high-quality offsets that have a positive impact on the environment.

Chen left the audience with three key action items to focus on as they progress on their decarbonization journey. Curious about what those action items are? Watch the FREE webinar here to find out!

You can also visit our carbon marketplace page to learn more about our carbon offset offerings.