Attack Indoor Air Quality at the Root of the Problem

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H-P Products will provide a central vacuum system at ReVISION House Austin to kick pet hair, dust, and allergens to the curb.

Tiana Cooper, owner of ReVision House Austin, lives an active life. And, like most of us, she would preferably be cooking, adventuring and relaxing, not vacuuming.

Cooper selected H-P Products’ Chameleon central vacuum in her home. This system, named after the adaptable animal, will adapt to any changes in Cooper's lifestyle, whether that be more pets in the future, air quality issues, or space requirements.

What is a Central Vacuum System?

The main unit is stored in a remote location, usually the garage. The hose pulls debris through a network of hidden pipes, discretely eliminating dirt into the distant canister.

Vice President of H-P Products Greg Calderone explains how central vac systems are "built for busy households where the traditional Saturday cleaning day doesn't happen anymore." Instead, people want to spend time with family and friends at home, not cleaning, making this the perfect upgrade to Cooper's cleaning routine.

The beauty of central vacuums is that it offers the ability to vacuum your home quickly. You no longer need to carry around the entire vacuum for small spills and messes. In addition, the central vacuum's separation of the main unit allows the motor to be larger and more powerful, providing reliable suction over the product's lifetime. 

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The H-P Products Chameleon system includes built-in hoses that retract into the conveniently placed outlets, eliminating the most common complaint about central vacuum systems: lugging around the hose from room to room.

Calderone emphasizes that "[Cooper's] home is going to have the latest technology in central vacuum, which will feature retractable hoses."

The Chameleon system includes built-in hoses that retract into the conveniently placed outlets, eliminating the most common complaint about central vacuum systems: lugging around the hose from room to room. Instead, you simply pull the hose out to suck up the mess and put your hand over the end to retract the hose.

Although quick cleaning is on the top of the list for many, the most crucial distinction between a central vacuum and a portable vacuum is the ability of a central vacuum to remove dirt from the room, eliminating the problem of recirculating dirt back into the air. 

Attack Indoor Air Quality at the Source

Indoor air quality (IAQ) has been a rising concern, specifically among people affected by wildfire smoke, asthma, and allergies. Especially in Austin, where there are year-long allergies, Cooper will lean on her Chameleon central vacuum system to keep fresh air in and allergies out.

When IAQ becomes a concern, most people race to buy air purifiers or change their filters but fail to address the root of the problem: portable vacuums lose suction over time as the filters clog, resulting in dirt re-dispersing throughout the air, amplifying the problem.

Most people are unaware of this issue. However, quickly it is identified through the smell commonly associated with vacuuming. In fact, if you have an indoor air monitor, it will record decreased IAQ during and after vacuuming. Calderone also adds that "many people find out they have to dust after vacuuming" due to the nature of portable vacuums.

A central vacuum system addresses this issue by completely removing debris from the room, storing it in the garage. Calderone explains how "all of the air, 100% of it, is removed from the room, and goes through a hose, into tubing and then to the power unit. So you're not recycling the air in the room you're in."

To further protect from pollutants, "The system in [Cooper's house] has a bag with a seal on it, so you never have to see, touch, smell dirt," Calderone reveals.

In terms of healthy air, Calderone drives home the concept that "it's not about cleaning your air… what you want to do is not make your air dirty in the first place." 

For example, "Carpeting traps a lot of dirt. So every time you vacuum with a portable, you're shaking all that up, and then it settles back down creating an endless cycle," Calderone explains as he cringes. Then, slyly asks the age-old question: "Does your dog smell like your carpeting, or does your carpeting small like your dog?"

Cooper's new central vacuum system won't leave her contemplating this question.

Central Vacuum Cleaner: Worth the Investment

Although they are expensive, "These are high-end systems built for the life of your home, so if you look at the life of your home, it's not expensive," Calderone delineates. Adding, "it's like buying your furnace. … It's not like you're going to buy a furnace every 18 months and throw it away."

With how quickly we go through portable vacuums, the economic and environmental cost is worth the upfront investment in a central vacuum. Calderone explains how "[H-P Products] designs their systems to last the lifetime of a home, so we are not seeing a vacuum being thrown into a landfill every three years."