Join Our Next Generation Influencer Group!

Green Builder Media invites you to participate in our Next Generation Influencer Group of today’s and tomorrow's climate leaders – everyday people who are doing extraordinary things to help both people and the planet. Whether you are a prospective or new homeowner, just starting out in your sustainability career, or are interested in climate justice, you’ve come to the right place.

NGIG logo

This diverse group meets once a quarter to discuss important sustainability issues. In the past we’ve explored topics such as eco-anxiety, the intersectionality of food and sustainability, the complexities of ESG. The best part? Your interests guide the conversation!

Want to talk about decarbonization and circularity? We can do that! Or maybe you’re interested in walkable neighborhoods and the power of design in creating community. We can make that happen! 

This is an opportunity for you to connect with like-minded sustainability enthusiasts! As a collective, we have more power to enact change.  Please join forces with us—let’s speak loudly and think boldly together.


Fill out the form on this page to join.